Lithium in the Universe

Last data on the anisotropies of relic radiation received from companion WMAP, has allowed to execute within the limits of the theory of primary synthesis exact calculations of a primary chemical compound of substance in the Universe.

However the quantity of lithium predicted by the theory has appeared in 2 - 3 times more than followed from astronomical supervision of structure of stars. A.Kogp and its colleagues, probably, have eliminated this divergence by spectroscopic researches of 18 stars in spherical star congestion NGC 6397. Supervision were conducted on 8,2-metre telescope VLT in Chile.

Stars of spherical congestions concern the oldest star population of the Galaxy, they have different weights and temperature, but identical age and an initial chemical compound that has allowed to compare car rental to a prediction of the theory of star evolution.

The quantity of lithium near to a visible surface of stars with temperature increase at first does not change almost (a plateau on the, and then sharply decreases. Such dependence is explained by the theory according to which lithium kernels in enough hot stars in the course of diffusion with participation of turbulent hashing fall to the centre of stars and there collapse in nuclear reactions in the conditions of a heat.

As a result, the quantity of lithium at a surface of stars during their life has decreased approximately for 78 %, and its initial quantity will be co-ordinated with a prediction of the theory of primary synthesis with accuracy in one standard deviation.