The American physicists have suggested to search for the nuclear weapon by means of accelerators

For search in cargo containers of nuclear materials of physics from university of Idaho have suggested to use the accelerator of the charged particles. According to the message in The Olympian referring to Dickens University, for program financing it is already allocated one and a half million dollars a year.
This project is created for elimination of some lacks of already existing program Container Security Initiative. Within the limits of it a number of ports has bought the special scanners, capable to pass ID Library - The received image allowed the operator to define cargo contents - but only in certain limits, in a similar picture it is almost impossible to distinguish radioactive materials. The bomb or simply cargo of radioactive substance has no any predetermined form - and consequently on a gleam can look indistinguishable from quite harmless subjects.
Researchers from Idaho suggest to use two phenomena instead of a X-ray: at braking of an accelerating bunch there is a gamma radiation, and at an irradiation gamma radiation of kernels of uranium the part of kernels breaks up with neutron allocation. The detectors placed near to the irradiated container can register a neutron stream and thus reveal the latent nuclear or "dirty" bomb.